Integrating FileBird Document Library with WordPress Search

If you’d like to be able to search both your Media Library files and pages/posts, the following Javascript can get the job done.  Just ensure that you place the code on your search results page, along with the shortcode to embed FileBird.

            document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
        // Function to trigger input change event on a given node
        const triggerInputChange = (node, value = "") => {
            // Get the setter function for the 'value' property of the node
            const setValue = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(node.__proto__, "value").set;
            // Create a new input event that bubbles up through the DOM
            const event = new Event("input", { bubbles: true });
            // Set the value of the node using the setter function
  , value);
            // Dispatch the input event on the node

        // Execute code after a short delay to ensure that the DOM is fully loaded
        setTimeout(() => {
            // Find the search input element within an element with class 'fbdl-input-search'
            const searchBox = document.querySelector(".fbdl-input-search input");

            // Fetch the value of the 's' parameter from the query string in the URL
            const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
            const searchTerm = urlParams.get("s");

            // If the search input element exists and there is a search term in the URL
            if (searchBox && searchTerm) {
                // Set the fetched search term as the value for the search input
                triggerInputChange(searchBox, searchTerm);
        }, 100);
FileBird Document Library